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How to cancel my subscription

Subscriptions can be managed through your online account. 1. Log into your account. 2. Select the 'Manage Subscriptions' button below your delivery address. 3. Under the tab 'Subscriptions' you can see all live plans. 4. Select the plan you'd like to

How do I know if I have a subscription?

There's a few ways in which you can check whether you have a subscription. The easiest way to do this is to log on to your account. Once you've logged in, click the Manage Subscriptions button under delivery address, then under the Subscriptions tab

Why is lawn care a subscription?

To survive, we need regular food and water - and your lawn is no different. That’s why So & Mo provides an ongoing balanced programme of liquified feeds to keep your lawn healthy and vibrant all year round. Our liquified lawn feed includes all the in

Password reset is not working

If you're struggling to log in to your account and the password reset is not working this means your account has not yet been activated. Please let us know the email of the account and we can activate the account.